Artist Statement

Ingvill Gaarder is a contemporary landscape painter. She is a graduate of Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London (UK). After traveling extensively and living abroad in London for eight years she settled down in Norway where she now lives and works.

 I attempt to use the medium to create paintings that respond to the atmosphere of my surroundings. I look both inward and outward and in the moment of painting, I find my way on the canvas which is my approach to creating paintings infused with the emotional immediate memory of landscape.

The atmospheric element of my work is a testament to my desire to create spaces that are sometimes undefined, contemplative and allow room to reflect and accept uncertainty.

Nature is used both in the conceptualization of the work and as a part of the studio practice. I use layers of colors that reveals forms by concealing and unearthing pentimenti and suggests elements of landscape in the process of painting.

I am informed by the works of Turner and Constable and I believe that visual language has a potent power, like music or literature and it has the ability to communicate and transform. I look at my work and process as a personal expression of the unconscious, dreams and the immediate emotional.